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CIED Certification

A new pathway for physiologists wishing to sit the IBHRE exam

This course provides a structured pathway for cardiac physiologists to achieve clinical competency in performing independent pacemaker and ICD follow-up. Historical practice for many hospitals was to consider that competency in device followup is achieved once the cardiac physiologist has obtained the International Board of Heart Rhythm Examiners (IBHRE) qualification. IBHRE is an internationally recognized theory exam that provides a good foundation for learning the basics of device management, but on its own does not address practical competency in device followup. The significant gap in the training and development required to achieve clinical competency is addressed by the CIED certification course.


The CIED certification course provides adherence to nationally guided standards, allowing clear recognition of skill and experience, enabling cardiac physiologists to work to the top of their scope of practice, while at the same time providing a framework within which to operate and develop. The CIED certification has been developed with the endorsement of the Heart Rhythm Society of New Zealand.


On completion of CCP, qualified cardiac physiologists will consolidate their experience and embed their skill prior to undertaking the CIED certification course. At the conclusion of the CIED certification course, the student cardiac physiologist would complete the IBHRE exam.



  • 500 Pacemaker Follow-ups

  • 200 ICD/CRT Follow-ups

  • 100 Remote Follow-ups

  • 20 CIED Implant Observations

Case Studies

Targeted case studies through the eLearning site covering a broad range of complex clinical scenarios.

Academic Programme

Seven eLearning modules

Potential Timeframe

IBHRE Enrollment
June 2023
June 2024
June 2025
January 2025
August 2025
Course enrollment
Academic programme begins
Portfolio completion
Case study submission

Forms & Documents


Please use the following link to apply;


FAQs are answered in the linked document;

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