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Society of Cardiopulmonary Technology (NZ) Inc.
Making a Difference in Health & Technology

Physiology Technician
A technicians role focuses on electrocardiograms (ECGs), holter & blood pressure monitor fitting, exercise tolerance testing (ETTs), and various administrative tasks specific to the department. This role works collaboratively with other clinical team members including Cardiologists and Physiologists to provide an effective and efficient service for patients. Technicians are required to complete the Certificate of Physiological Measurement.
Most technicians are represented by Apex. Read our MECA.
An ECG is a very common test, measuring the electrical activity of the heart to assess the rate & rhythm. Technicians are required to perform ECGs on the wards around their respective hospitals, and so are expected to have a high level of understanding of arrhythmia and other ECG changes.

Technicians fit holter monitors (long term ECG recordings) and ambulatory blood pressure monitors on patients. They also triage holter monitor recordings for physiologists to scan, and analyse the results of blood pressure monitors to generate a report for the doctors.
Technicians work with physiologists or doctors during exercise tolerance tests to set up the patient, and operate the software throughout while monitoring for arrhythmia or ischemic changes.

Technicians may be required to perform spirometry for inpatients to establish lung function in patients, predominantly those being worked up for bypass surgery.